Terms and Conditions

End-user license agreement

This End-User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal agreement between you and ZAnGeSa GmbH.

This EULA agreement governs your acquisition and use of our ZAnGeSa Share 360° service (“Software”) directly from ZAnGeSa GmbH or indirectly through a ZAnGeSa GmbH authorized reseller or distributor (a “Reseller”).

Please read this EULA agreement carefully before using the ZAnGeSa Share 360° software. It provides a license to use the ZAnGeSa Share 360° service and contains warranty information and liability disclaimers.

If you register for a beta version of the ZAnGeSa Share 360° software, this EULA agreement will also govern that beta version. By clicking “accept” and using the ZAnGeSa Share 360° software, you are confirming your acceptance of the Software and agreeing to become bound by the terms of this EULA agreement.

If you are entering into this EULA agreement on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity and its affiliates to these terms and conditions. If you do not have such authority or if you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this EULA agreement, do not install or use the Software, and you must not accept this EULA agreement.

This EULA agreement shall apply only to the Software supplied by ZAnGeSa GmbH herewith regardless of whether other software is referred to or described herein. The terms also apply to any ZAnGeSa GmbH updates, supplements, Internet-based services, and support services for the Software, unless other terms accompany those items on delivery. If so, those terms apply.

1. Description of Service

The ZAnGeSa Share 360° service enables you to exchange CAD (Computer Aided Design) files and related data (e.g. tool paths for production purposes) with one or more recipients.

The ZAnGeSa Share 360° service is not designed for medical emergencies, and not for the transfer of medical information. Do not use this service for adverse event reporting. If you are a dentist/physician, follow the regulations required by your country’s regulations.

The ZAnGeSa Share 360° service should not be used to transfer confidential healthcare information. Patient-related data, such as patient names or related info, shall not be transferred through the ZAnGeSa Share 360° service.

2. Terms of Service

The Service provided by ZAnGeSa may be used only in accordance with the following provisions. By using our Services, you agree to these conditions.

You are required to sign up for an account before commencing use of the service. When creating an account, you are responsible for the use as well as misuse of the service through this account. If You use this account in an inappropriate manner, ZAnGeSa reserves the right to terminate the account with immediate effect. Inappropriate use includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Making duplicate copies of the content of the service across several accounts;
  • Attempting to gain access to accounts of other users;
  • Attempting to infiltrate the service by any means, including viruses, malicious codes, scripts etc.;
  • Inflicting a large load on the infrastructure;
  • Committing an Illegal act with the service;
  • Signing up for many accounts to carry out inappropriate use; and/or
  • Interfering with the proper workings of the service.
  • You are solely responsible for the truth and accuracy of your personal profile entered to your account and for keeping your passwords confidential. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password, you are responsible for changing your password.

It is expressly prohibited to upload or to make available in any other manner any content

  • which violates applicable criminal laws
  • which infringe upon the copyright, trademark, patent, competitive, or intellectual property rights.
  • contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms other malicious software which may damage, render useless, delete an automated work or data, or which may otherwise harm the computer systems of ZAnGeSa or any other users.

The users of the service

  • shall comply with all applicable laws, particularly legislation intended to protect minors and statutory provisions designed to protect intellectual property and personal rights in general. The use of copyrighted works without the express permission of the copyright holder or the holder of the usage rights is prohibited.
  • may not infringe upon the copyright, trademark, patent, competitive, or intellectual property rights
  • may not use the service to incite or participate in criminal acts. Likewise, instructions for the committing of criminal acts may not be expressed or published in any form or manner.
  • may not disseminate content which is harassing, defamatory, obscene, racist, glorifying of violence, discriminatory, pornographic or threatening.
  • may not use the services for purposes of commercial advertising.
  • may not use the service to engage in hacking or the spread of viruses. The services offered may not be modified in any way. Any interference or attempt to interfere in ZAnGeSa system is expressly prohibited and will result in civil and criminal penalties.
  • may not abuse the system resources. They must refrain from anything that uses an inordinate amount of storage capacity or which could negatively impact transfer speeds or any other aspect of the services offered.
  • may use the ZAnGeSa Share 360° service only as permitted by this Terms of Use and any applicable laws. Don’t misuse our service. For example, don’t interfere with our service or try to access it by using a method other than the web interface, or an ZAnGeSa-supplied software.

3. Collection of Information

ZAnGeSa will collect Your Personal Data that You provide when You sign up for an account through the Service. ZAnGeSa will be unable to facilitate the collection of Your Personal Data if the registration process is not completed in full. The types of Personal Data that will be collected include:

  • name
  • email address
  • an avatar or picture

4. Use of Information

While using the service, ZAnGeSa may collect Personal Data that can be used to contact or identify You. Personal Data is or may be used:

  • to provide and improve the service
  • to administer Your use of the service
  • to communicate with You in matters relating to Your use of the app and to better understand Your needs and interests
  • to personalize and improve Your experience and
  • to provide or offer application updates and product announcements.

ZAnGeSa will not distribute Your Personal Data to external parties, unless you exchange contact data with another user of the service or Your prior consent is obtained.

However, ZAnGeSa may use trusted third-party companies and individuals to provide improvements to the service. Some of these services include, but not limited to general maintenance service and management of the database. These external parties may be given access to Your Personal Data for the sole purpose of performing these tasks on the behalf of ZAnGeSa.

However, ZAnGeSa may disclose Your information when ZAnGeSa has a good faith belief to avert a serious threat to health or safety and/or as required by law.

ZAnGeSa is permitted by You to utilize the service data to carry out internal research.

5. Data retention

ZAnGeSa will retain Your Personal Data for the period that Your account is active or as needed to provide You services. Once Your account is terminated, ZAnGeSa shall cease to retain Your Personal Data, or remove how the Personal Data can be associated with You, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that:

  • the purpose for which Your Personal Data was collected is no longer being served by the retention of Your Personal Data or
  • retention is no longer essential for business or legal purposes.

6. Security

The security of Your Personal Data and Personal Profile is of utmost importance to ZAnGeSa. When information is entered during the registration of a new account or on uploading project data, ZAnGeSa will ensure that the said transmission is encrypted. ZAnGeSa utilizes the standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect the security of Your Personal Data and Personal Profile.

ZAnGeSa abides by generally accepted industry standards to guard Your Personal Data and Personal Profile submitted to ZAnGeSa, both when the information is in transmission and once it is received by ZAnGeSa. However, while ZAnGeSa strives to keep Your Personal Information and Personal Profile protected, ZAnGeSa is unable to assure You that it is absolutely secure as no method of electronic submission or storage can be 100% secure.

You can choose to increase the security of the Personal Data saved with ZAnGeSa Share 360° by choosing a password that contains a combination of letters and numbers as well as picking one that is easy for You to remember, but difficult for others to guess. In addition, you have the sole responsibility of sustaining the confidentiality of Your account by logging out when You are finished with Your session. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur throughout Your account.

You are the only person with the ability to edit Your Personal Profile. If You choose to, you can share this information with other parties.

ZAnGeSa will embark on reasonable procedures to ensure the integrity of data on the servers, but ZAnGeSa will not take responsibility for any loss of data because of unforeseen circumstances. ZAnGeSa will not take responsibility for such compromised access to data (which includes poor network coverage, local device failure etc.).

ZAnGeSa will undertake reasonable procedures to ensure the integrity of data on the servers, but ZAnGeSa is not responsible for any data loss due to unforeseen circumstances. As such, ZAnGeSa is not accountable for compromised access to data (due to factors such as, including but not limited to, poor network coverage or local device failure).

ZAnGeSa stores all data within a world-class environment trusted by organizations to store data. The environment utilizes state-of-the art network security, electronic surveillance, physical security and multi-factor access control systems along to protect client data. The data centers are staffed 24×7 by trained security teams and located in Europe.

7. Examination of Content

Although ZAnGeSa may from time to time monitor or review files uploaded to ZAnGeSa Share 360°, ZAnGeSa is under no obligation to do so, and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the content of any such files.

8. Deletion of Content

ZAnGeSa does not tolerate illegal content and expressly states that all files with illegal content will be deleted immediately after that fact becomes known to ZAnGeSa. Reports of illegal content (abuse reports) should be sent to admin.ZAnGeSa.com . The reports should also contain information about the specifics of the file concerned. Further claims, especially claims for damages and other redress against ZAnGeSa, are excluded.

If you want to delete your profile and project data, please inform us.

9. Beta Testing

The ZAnGeSa Share 360° service is not yet a service for production usage, it is currently to be used for testing purposes only. “Testing purposes” is defined to mean only use of the service subject to the following conditions:

  • The service will be used for the express and sole purpose of evaluation toward determination of suitability for usage of an upcoming production release of the service
  • In the absence of explicit permission from ZAnGeSa GmbH, performance results obtained using the service will not be published or presented in a public forum.

10. Disclaimer of warranties

You expressly understand and agree that:

  • Your use of the ZAnGeSa Share 360° service is at your sole risk. You guarantee to ZAnGeSa that you are entitled to make use of the service and that you will act in accordance with these Terms of Use. You are responsible for the activities performed via the ZAnGeSa Share 360° service, including the content that is transferred by means of the service. ZAnGeSa accepts no responsibility or liability for your use of the service.
  • Your use of ZAnGeSa services is at your sole risk. The ZAnGeSa Share 360° service is provided on an “as in” and “as available” basis. To the maximum content permitted by law ZAnGeSa expressly disclaim all warranties and conditions of any kind.
  • ZAnGeSa does not warrant that the ZAnGeSa Share 360° service will meet your requirements, the ZAnGeSa Share 360° service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, the result that may be obtained from the use of ZAnGeSa services will be accurate or reliable, the quality of any services, products, information will meet your expectations, and any errors in the software will be corrected.
  • Any material downloaded using ZAnGeSa services is done at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or other device or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.
  • no advice or information, whether oral or written obtained by you from ZAnGeSa shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the terms.

ZAnGeSa distances itself from all content uploaded and downloaded via its service. The users themselves are solely responsible for the files they upload and download through the service. ZAnGeSa does not assume any liability for the content. The content is the sole responsibility of those users who upload or download the files. ZAnGeSa assumes no liability for quality of the content available on its service, or that it is accurate, or up to date, nor for consequential damages caused by content.

ZAnGeSa assumes liability for direct or indirect links or references to external web sites / images for which ZAnGeSa is not responsible. ZAnGeSa explicitly distances itself from all content in sites previously linked and those to be linked in the future. This also applies to subsequent changes in content of the linked pages.

11. Limitation of liability

You expressly understand and agree that ZAnGeSa shall not be liable to you for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses resulting from: the use or inability to use ZAnGeSa services, unauthorized access to or alternation of any third party on ZAnGeSa services or any other mater relating to ZAnGeSa services. The only action that you can take – if you think that you have suffered damage – is to discontinue the use of the Service.

Nothing in this agreement is intended to exclude or limit any condition, warranty, right or liability which may not be lawfully excluded or limited.

12. Accessibility of Service

The user has no right that the Service can be accessed at any time and without any interruptions or failures. Unrestricted access to the service is not guaranteed. ZAnGeSa is not liable for damages if the service cannot be used or accessed temporarily or permanently or if uploaded files are lost or damaged.

ZAnGeSa is entitled to put the Site (temporarily) out of Service and/or to reduce the use of it without any prior notification. ZAnGeSa is entitled to suspend and/or terminate your use of Service and to delete Content if ZAnGeSa deems this necessary, for instance, if you violate these terms of use.

13. Exclusion from the Service

The ZAnGeSa Share 360° service is made available to users of the full version of the ZAnGeSa Dental CAD software, who are entitled to the delivery of ZAnGeSa Dental CAD software updates through their reseller.

ZAnGeSa reserves the right at any time and without notice, to suspend the service for users by blocking access and/or deleting the user’s account if

  • they use the service on a repeated basis to make content under copyright protection available to the public
  • it is demonstrated that they have violated the terms of use or other obligations as set forth in these terms and conditions
  • their use of the service could pose a threat to the liability of third parties or ZAnGeSa
  • the service or the access provided is misused, especially by allowing several users to share one account. Each account is made available solely for personal use and may not be shared with other users and or used from different IP addresses
  • there are doubts about the authenticity of the content or information provided
  • there are other important reasons that make this action necessary. If a user is blocked from the service, the user is not entitled to payments or a reimbursement of software update fees, service contract fees, or other. This also applies to payment requests already submitted.
  • the user is no longer entitled to updates of the ZAnGeSa Dental CAD software, e.g. because the update agreement between ZAnGeSa and its customer for the user’s software license expired.

14. Copyright

All Content uploaded to the ZAnGeSa Share 360° is copyright the respective owners. The owners retain full rights to distribute their own work.

Anything you transmit may be used by ZAnGeSa GmbH or its affiliates for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction and transmission, to the extent allowed by law. ZAnGeSa GmbH is free to use any data you upload to the ZAnGeSa Share 360° for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, research, development, testing, manufacturing and marketing of products using such information. By uploading content to the ZAnGeSa Share 360°, you hereby grant ZAnGeSa a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicense able and transferable license to the content.

15. Change in the Service and Terms

You accept that the service only includes the functionality and other characteristics as found in the service at the time of use. The use of the service is at your own risk. You guarantee to ZAnGeSa that you are entitled to make use of the service and that you will act in accordance with these Terms of Use. You are responsible for the activities performed via the service, including the content that is transferred by means of the Service. ZAnGeSa accepts no responsibility or liability for your use of the Service.

You may use our Service only as permitted by this Terms of Use and any applicable laws. Don’t misuse our Service. For example, don’t interfere with our Service or try to access it using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide. We may discontinue the use of our Service, in case you interfere with the Terms of Use, or we suspect abuse or inappropriate content.

If new and innovative ideas for business or functionality are sent to ZAnGeSa, ZAnGeSa is permitted to utilize them without paying You further compensation.

We are constantly changing and improving our Services. We may add or remove functionalities or features of the Services at any time, and we may suspend or stop a Service altogether.

We may modify the Terms of Use at any time. Each revision will be posted on the ZAnGeSa website, www.zangesa.com. If you don’t agree to any modified terms of Use, you’ll have to stop using the service. By continuing to use the service you agree to be bound by the amended or supplemented terms.

16. Termination

This EULA agreement is effective from the date you first use the Software and shall continue until terminated. You may terminate it at any time upon written notice to ZAnGeSa GmbH.

It will also terminate immediately if you fail to comply with any term of this EULA agreement. Upon such termination, the licenses granted by this EULA agreement will immediately terminate and you agree to stop all access and use of the Software. The provisions that by their nature continue and survive will survive any termination of this EULA agreement.

17. Applicable law and Severability

For all legal relationships between ZAnGeSa, users, and third parties, the law of the Republic of Austria applies. This choice applies to consumers only insofar as the protection provided is not withdrawn by mandatory provisions of the laws of the country where the user is domiciled.

Should one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions or any provision contained in any other contractual agreements be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions or agreements shall not be affected. The fully or partially invalid provision or agreement is to be replaced by a provision that fulfills the business purpose of the invalid provision.

Last changed: October 2017

© 2019 – ZAnGeSa GmbH